CCS Policies & Code of Conduct
Acceptance. Comfort. Safety. Fun.
Classic City Swing, LLC is dedicated to providing a fun, safe, and comfortable space of acceptance for everyone who attends our event. If you experience anything that makes you feel unwelcome or unsafe, or there is a way in which we can make your experience at Classic City Swing more enjoyable, please do not hesitate to speak with a volunteer, community liaison, or staff member. They will be happy to assist you or direct you to the person best suited to help you with your need.
The Lindy Hop community is diverse and filled with amazing people brought together by their love for dance and music. We expect all participants in Classic City Swing to use good judgment and treat each other with respect. Thank you for your cooperation and help in ensuring a fun and safe environment for everyone!
- Gogo, Geoff, & Bryan

COVID-19/Illness Policy
Wearing a mask at CCSX will be optional.​
All participants agree not to attend CCSX if they receive a positive COVID-19 test within 5 days of the event start date, or develop symptoms of any illness within 2 days of the event. Please contact us at classiccityswingathens@gmail.com for a refund or pass deferral.
If a participant develops symptoms during the event, they agree to step away from the event and contact us for a prorated refund.​
Code of Conduct
Classic City Swing LLC’s code of conduct is designed to facilitate a safe and pleasant environment for all Classic City Swing participants, hired professionals, and staff. Breaches in the code of conduct will result in action from Classic City Swing staff and will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Participants will be notified if they breech the code of conduct and every effort will be made to seek resolution prior to asking a participant to leave a class, dance, or the event as a whole.
Dancers are expected to treat each other with respect according to the Declaration of Safe Space posted below.
Do not perform aerials during the social dances at Classic City Swing.
Use your full range of senses on the dance floor to avoid accidental collisions and injuries.
Treat the class and dance venues, and all other spaces used during Classic City Swing with respect, care, and consideration.
Follow any posted food and beverage policies for each venue.
Treat the possessions of all other dancers with respect, care, and consideration.
Participants in workshop classes are expected to show their respect for instructors by being following the instructor's classroom policies as related to punctuality, discussions in class, and asking for/providing feedback.
We encourage everyone to make an effort to dance with a wide variety of partners, including those you don’t personally know, new dancers, and individuals who you notice have not danced for several songs. This often contributes to a more enjoyable event for all.
Ask for dances politely *and* accept a no gracefully.
If you notice a breach in the code of conduct that needs to be addressed or have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact a volunteer, community liaison or staff member.
Declaration of Safe Space
Classic City Swing, LLC is dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable event experience for everyone, regardless of ability, age, background, gender identity and expression, physical characteristics, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or skill level.
We expect all of our participants and hired professionals to treat each other with respect.
No forms of harassment are acceptable. Harassment can include offensive verbal comments (concerning ability, age, background, gender identity, physical characteristics, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, skill level), sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of lessons or other events, unwelcome and/or inappropriate physical contact, unwelcome sexual attention, and/or unwanted contact via social media.
CCS is committed to equality and the support of marginalized communities. Racist, sexist, homophobic, and/or transphobic actions or speech will not be tolerated.
Please report any behavior that appears abusive, disrespectful, harassing, suspicious, or unsafe, or that makes you feel uncomfortable for any reason.
You may do so by:
Finding a Community Liaison, who can be identified by their "Community Liaison" badge, available throughout the event.
Phone number to be posted by event.
Emailing classiccityswingathens@gmail.com
Please include "CCS Safety" in the subject line and try to include as much information as possible in your message so our team can most accurately assess the situation before approaching individuals.
The event reserves the right to take any action which it, in its sole judgment, deems appropriate in response to the reported event/behavior, which includes but is not limited to: issuing warnings, expelling individuals from this event, or banning individuals from future Classic City Swing events. Except in cases where disclosure is required by law, a law has been broken, or there is reason to believe a situation is dangerous, we will treat information we receive with strict confidentiality, unless otherwise instructed by the reporting individual.
Meet The Team

Melissa Gogo
CCSX Staff – Registration + Logistics

Geoff Newell
CCSX Staff – Treasurer + Promotion

Bryan Soto
CCSX Staff – Talent + Hospitality